HomeDogsQuestions Linger After Dog Electrocuted On City Sidewalk

Questions Linger After Dog Electrocuted On City Sidewalk

Pittsburgh, PA – On Sunday, a dog walking with his owner was electrocuted after stepping on a metal plate on the sidewalk in Pittsburgh. According to sources, the deadly incident happened on the Murray Avenue Bridge.

As reported by WPXI News, calls to the Mayor’s Office and Duquesne Light Company have provided no information about the cause of the dog’s death. The news agency spoke with Councilperson Barb Warwick, who referred to the situation as “really upsetting.”

Warwick said:

“I don’t know the details… I did call Zone 4 the day of, and my understanding was that there was live electricity that was immediately turned off, so, presumably, it was an electric current touching the plate.”

A statement from the Mayor’s office reads:

“Once we were made aware of the incident in Squirrel Hill involving a beloved pet and their owner, we conducted an investigation on our equipment with support from Duquesne Light to solve the issue and are working to identify the cause.”

Unfortunately, the actual cause remains unknown, leaving people in the area concerned for the safety of other pets, and people, who might walk over the metal plate.

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  1. I don’t know how electrocution works, but I hope it was sudden and that the dog did not suffer. Yes, that pet parent should definitely be compensated for their loss and grieving. As somebody said, what if it had been a kid?

  2. You better BET the company “took it seriously!” How on God’s Earth could this have ever happened!?! And the cause “remains unknown?” WHAT!!
    I’ll wager that the Duquesne Light legal team is scrambling to make a settlement offer with this poor family and it BETTER be substantial! What if this had been a child? Here’s hoping the government fines the Light Company enough to get their attention!

  3. You would think that the electric company’s people that work on electricity outside would know to shut the power off, especially on a plate!! I would sue them for the death of my dog and the trauma it causes!!! Next time maybe they will make sure there is NO POWER to a metal plate on the ground where people come in contact with it!!

  4. How awful for the poor dog and his person. It is good the powers that be took it seriously though it does not help in this case. We have created a dangerous world for animals and people.


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