HomeNational Animal NewsRescue Group Pulled Puppies, Leaving Their Mom Behind At Crowded Shelter

Rescue Group Pulled Puppies, Leaving Their Mom Behind At Crowded Shelter

A young mother dog was left behind after a rescue group pulled her puppies from a busy California animal shelter.

Update 8/2/2023: Gabby has been saved! Stacy Hope Rescue pulled this dog from the Riverside shelter facility.

Riverside, CA – Efforts are underway to help save the life of a mother left at a busy California animal shelter after a rescue group pulled her puppies. An advocate writes of the danger this dog is in:

I don’t have tears anymore but ANGER😡😡😡😡A rescue pulled her puppies and left Mama #A1748438 TO DIE! IN THE EUTH ROOM so it’s a long shot but we did it in the past !!!

Shelter notes reveal that the young dog is named Gabby, and she is not even two years of age:

Animal ID: #A1748438 Gabby🤎🤍
Gender: Female
Color: Brown and White
Breed: Alaskan Husky
Age: 1 year, 6 months old
Located At: Riverside Shelter
Kennel Substatus: MEDICAL
Comments: History of focal hair loss — resolving.

As of Tuesday morning, Gabby’s adoption profile is still active – which means there is still time to save her life.

Please do your part by networking her adoption information. Time is of the essence to save Gabby’s life.

Pet adoption link here. 

Located At: Riverside County Animal Control – Riverside Shelter
Description: I am a female, 48.30 lbs, brown and white Alaskan Husky mix.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 7 months old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jul 03, 2023.

Location: Riverside County Animal Control – Riverside Shelter
Phone Number: (951) 358-7387
Address: 6851 Van Buren Boulevard
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509

Please note: All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the animal shelter. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter facility.

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  1. We should know the name of the horrible cold callous rescue and who runs it. No one should adopt dogs from them. Tell us who did this horrid act.

  2. Some rescue that is. They should be named and shamed, and the irresponsible human who actually made the decision should be sacked!

  3. Just because she is posted here, does not mean someone will save her. If you can FOSTER HER , I can help find a GOOD rescue to save her.
    As a dog networker working from out of state, I can assure you that so many dogs are being dumped at shelters recently, that shelters and rescues are past capacity.
    We need fosters desperately to step up and agree to foster dogs and cats.

    During the pandemic, many people bought puppies. Now that the rent moratorium is over, people are getting evicted. They are dropping off their pets at the shelters.
    The average age of the dogs being killed for space in shelters is 1 yr old. Mothers and their new puppies are being euthanized.

    It is an emergency right now.
    German Shepherds, Huskies, Pit Bulls, Dobie Mastiffs, Border Collies, Labradors, Chihuahuas.
    There are many litters of puppies, 6 month old, 1 yr old, and some senior pets in shelters. They are killing as many as 400/month in one shelter alone
    PLEASE, IF YOU CAN FOSTER IR ADOPT THIS DOG, REACH OUT QUICKLY. Out of state is possible, but not easy.
    Anyone with questions on how to help, please reach out to me by email at

    or, on Instagram at @Zerodestruction1

    To :Animal Victory/Natl Animal News – Thank you for sharing her!!!

  4. She is still so young. A mommy’s punishment and taes away her puppies. Quite frankly, you needn’t cal your self rescuers.. how about murderers.
    Please spare her as well as others. If you cannot take care of them, it just takes a small amount to go public and look for adopters.
    This is really sickening.

  5. Why didn’t the rescuers take Momma separating her from her babies???
    What kind of a “rescue group” are you to separate them????
    Her eyes say it all: her babies were taken from her and now it would appear that there is no hope she will be saved!!
    Shame on you all🤬🤬😢😢🤬🤬😢😢

  6. Jan : U are just so right!! God Bless you and love u 💕💕 for saying this !!!!! It’s true that mother should have gone with her babies, & there for she should be with her babies. What the hell is wrong with that rescue 😭💔!!!!!!!!!!! If they took one of them, they should of taken mother included. Shame on them, & they call their self a rescue.

  7. did anyone step up for the mama? she birthed puppies… have a heart. The situation with animal over-population across the US is astonishing. These innocent animals did not ask for any of this. Humans are the issue…. be responsible and moral in action people.

  8. the name of this rescue should be made public– disgusting.. taking the puppies for the adoption fees and letting mom die- that should not be allowed

  9. Don’t sound like they need to be a Rescue I’m so sick of this kind of shit being done to these animals. May it come full circle on people like this. Rescue my ass.

  10. How dare try call themselves a rescue!! Rescue the mother bastards!!! They left her in the murder shelter in riverside California!!

  11. What an irresposible rescue. Any good one would have taken them all. Every day dogs/animals are treated like disposable objects instead of the living and feeling beings they are. TNR for cats and low cost spay/neuter clinics with a lot of outreach can make such a big difference. Dog are not euthanized, a procedure that is used to end suffering from a very painful and debilitating condition or disease; killing is just that and healthy animals are never euthanized, they are killed. All it takes for a shelter to be no kill is dedication, compassion, and creativity-qualities that too many do not have. I grieve for this dog and every other in this position. Is there not another rescue that can take her? Or would? Some rescues should not use that term with some of the things they do.

  12. What shitty rescue did this should have their license pulled. Why are dogs being killed because they don’t have a home.. yet our tax dollars pay for dumb ass criminals that should die.. priorities for people are so messed up.. please don’t kill this dog because your a worthless shelter..

  13. They should have taken mama too! She’s a young dog with an obviously hard life. Don’t say your a rescue and leave her to die.

  14. That rescue needs to be Named & Shamed into oblivion that’s no real rescue , real rescues don’t leave mom behind & never will 💔

  15. Poor sweet dog. Humans have failed dogs horribly…all the other animals too. But dogs are supposed to be our loyal companions…and they are. But people in general sure as hell are not loyal to them. Killing and disposing of “surplus” dogs is so very convenient for “humans,” while doing absolutely NOTHING to stop breeders from mass producing puppies every freaking day, decade after decade. People not only do nothing, they support dog breeders, asking “where else would we get our trendy breed puppies?” People make me sick. I pray that someone great steps up to adopt the momma dog after all she’s been through.

  16. What the hell is wrong with you people? Why do you have to be so damm cruel? That mama dog deserves a forever home also, just like her babies. There is no reason in hell that she has to die. No reason whatsoever. Give her babies back to her. They do not belong to you at all. If you actually have a heart, you will bring mama, and babies together again.

  17. So many rescues are giving preference to puppies anymore. It’s sad that we place different values on lives and have no problem separating families or those with lifelong bonds. The breeding has to stop.


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