HomeDogsRescue Group Takes In Abandoned Shepherd, Found Zip-Tied In Ravine

Rescue Group Takes In Abandoned Shepherd, Found Zip-Tied In Ravine

Orange County, CA – A California German shepherd rescue organization has taken in Argon, the dog who was found zip-tied and abandoned in a Malibu Creek Canyon ravine last week. Maria Dales, with the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County (GSROC), tells National Animal News how the cruel abandonment has emotionally impacted Argon:

He is beautiful but so broken that it made me cry. The best way I can describe him is to say that he is “vacant,” no light in his eyes, but we will be working hard to restore that.

Argon was not only cruelly betrayed by someone he trusted, but he now faces a surmountable health crisis – lymphoma. The rescue group explains,

Argon has a confirmed diagnosis of lymphoma, a cancer that will soon take his life if left untreated. Currently, GSROC is conducting tests to determine what course of treatment will best suit him. We are determined to provide him with compassion, comfort and good care for whatever time he has.

This regal dog was thrown away like trash. If not for the hikers who found him, he would have suffered a slow and agonizing death alone in the remote ravine where someone left him.

But those days are over. GSROC is committed to providing Argon with the patience, love, and care that he needs to thrive. He will never be cast aside again and regardless of the health challenges he faces, he will be surrounded by love.

You can support the rescue agency as they work to give Argon the veterinary care he needs by making a donation. Click here to learn more about how you can help.

Follow the rescue group on Facebook here. 

Original story about Argon here.

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  1. Most GSD look alike with that said I remember seeing a man from San Diego several years ago begging the people who stole his service dog to bring him back. Something in this dogs eyes makes me think he could be the missing dog. I just have a feeling it’s him.


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