HomeCatsShelter Held 'Speed Dating' Event For Dogs, But Not A Single Pup...

Shelter Held ‘Speed Dating’ Event For Dogs, But Not A Single Pup Was Adopted

Orlando, FL – Last week, a Florida animal shelter hosted a speed dating event with the hope that some of the dogs in their care would find a forever home. But things did not go as planned for the dogs who are waiting to be saved.

Orange County Animal Services said they were happy that people came to visit the dogs but saddened that not a single pup found a home. The agency writes:

In the four hours that we were open, we had 133 shelter visitors. But sadly, not a single one of our speed dating dogs was adopted. Most visitors came looking for puppies, or the smaller dogs.

Acknowledging gratitude to those who came to the event, but sadness when it was time to take the unwanted dogs back to their lonely kennels:

That’s not to say we didn’t have fun, and of course we are eternally grateful for all the people that did take part in the event. It was just hard bringing all of our sweet dogs back inside to their kennels for another night.

The shelter has more than 150 dogs at the facility, and they desperately need help to save them from being put down. The agency invested a lot of time and love for the speed dating event, even if it was not the type of success they hoped for. They have shared how the public can help the dogs who are still waiting to be saved:

We hand selected ten dogs that we know very well and are adored by staff and volunteers. And all ten of them are still here.
How can you help?
Adopt. Foster. Volunteer. Donate. And share. You may not be in a position to help, but you may know someone who is. How hard is it to share one post? One story? One event?
That’s what makes a difference.
That’s what saves lives.
Every day the shelter takes in more and more animals, and every day we do our best to get them adopted. Every single day. For us the cycle never ends.

You can follow the shelter on Facebook at this link. 

Shelter address: 2769 Conroy Road, Orlando, FL, United States, Florida

Shelter phone: (407) 836-3111


Please read and share – you never know who might be in the position to help. If you do not live near this facility, help your local shelter. The problems facing Orange County Animal Services are not unique to them…every shelter across the nation is struggling. Please adopt your next pet. Please consider fostering and/or volunteering.

We all have to lend a hand to save these precious lives.

Continue reading: Investigation: Elderly Cat Beaten And Thrown Against A Wall

Help Put Animal Abusers Away! Sign A Petition To Fight For Animal Justice.

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  1. It’s a shame so many people live over there and someone can go help these dogs out. Please have compassion and give these beautiful dogs a loving home. They reward you back in so many ways with their unconditional love.🙏🏻💔🐾

  2. OCAS needs more money to build another shelter. With the huge influx of new residents in Florida, this is a problem that can’t be solved unless people are given FREE spay/neuter as an incentive. We tried very hard to get puppy mill animals banned from the state, and now the GOP majority are trying to roll back our successes. It’s pathetic and sad. And will only result in more animals being killed.

  3. Unfortunately sad story.. these were obviously someone’s pet and they abandoned them and now they I. A shelter and NONE of this is their fault but they pay the price don’t they!!! Our world is a disaster and a disgrace for how people abandon these poor babies and are left to find another home!!! All I can say is the ones doing this should be and hopefully be left and alone and abandoned I there miserable lives!!

  4. until irresponsible pathetic people who just want to make a quick buck stop breeding dogs this problem will continue. We have enough unwanted dogs for everyone in the country so no one should be allowed to breed dogs at all for a few years. If you need money get a real job and don’t make money off your dog. All those people who wanted to adopt puppies are some of the same one who will dump them at the shelter for being puppies and chewing shoes and peeing on the floor. It is 100% better to adopt adult dogs especially if you won’t be able to monitor and train them…or if you have small children that could accidently hurt a puppy. People need to use their brains and adopt shelter dogs instead of puppies from breeders..

    • “no one should be allowed to breed dogs at all for a few years” …NO. Forever. People being allowed to breed and sell puppies is what got us to this horrible point in the first place. There will always be enough dogs to fill GOOD homes with not one greeder in existence anywhere. And no, mixed breeds are not a “step down” from trendy breeds…”mutts” are great, and healthier in general. Dogs/animals and their babies should never be used to make money for people, in my long-suffering view.

  5. So sad, but it seems consistent for Florida, a state rampant with animal abuse cases and apparently an overall lack of compassion for animals from it’s citizens. The dogs deserve better.


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