HomeAnimal CrueltyShelter Offers Reward Following Discovery Of Severely Neglected Dog

Shelter Offers Reward Following Discovery Of Severely Neglected Dog

Charleston, SC – A young dog, suffering from severe, long-term neglect, was discovered last week in North Charleston. The dog, dubbed Whitney, was taken to Charleston Animal Society for live-saving care, and now, a reward is being offered for information leading to the identification of whoever neglected her.

The animal welfare agency outlined Whitney’s slew of maladies, writing:

Whitney the dog was emaciated and had open sores around her nipples resulting from a severe mammary gland infection. Charleston Animal Society’s veterinary team provided immediate treatment that included draining the mammary abscesses, cleaning the wounds, bandaging the wounds, and administering antibiotics and pain medications.

Charleston Animal Society Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Aldwin Roman, CAWA said, “This didn’t happen in a day. She has been suffering for a long time without getting the food and medical attention she desperately needed.”

A subsequent update provides promise that Whitney’s wounds will heal:

Today Whitney is resting comfortably and in much less pain. Her terrible infections are responding nicely to the anti-biotics and honey bandages. We will continue to monitor her weight and hopefully, she will slowly put weight back on. Her routine of care will include multiple high protein small meals daily, antibiotics administered daily as well as pain control. We are hoping she will recover from her wounds in a few weeks, but healing her heart and mind could take months.


Charleston Animal Society is offering a $3,000 reward for information leading to the felony arrest and conviction of those involved. Whitney was covered in “Blu-Kote,” a farm germicidal spray intended for livestock.

Donations for Whitney’s care can be made directly to the animal shelter at this link.

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