HomeAnimal RescueShelter Slams Irresponsible Owners Who Keep Dumping Their Pets

Shelter Slams Irresponsible Owners Who Keep Dumping Their Pets

Fulton County, OH – An Ohio animal shelter has publicly slammed irresponsible pet owners who are continuously surrendering animals. The Fulton County Humane Society voiced the anger and frustration that shelters and rescue agencies across the nation have been feeling for quite some time.

The animal welfare agency wrote:

We are long overdue to address some things with the community. The number of messages we are getting every week from people wanting to surrender their dog because they “don’t have time for it anymore” or “it killed our cat” or “it bit my child” or “I can’t have it where I live” is OUT OF CONTROL. The dog you chose to get and now don’t find so darling because it isn’t a puppy anymore, is not our problem. A dog that bit a child can’t be placed with another family and just “hope for the best.” You need to contact your veterinarian, not us.

Imploring people to be responsible and think before adding a pet to their household. Pointing out the obvious, “Dogs are a commitment. If you think you won’t have time for it in a year, DON’T GET ONE. If you know your landlord says you can’t have a dog and yet you get one anyway, then expect us to take it when you are getting evicted, THINK AGAIN.”

Cats and dogs surrendered to crowded shelters are paying the price for being owned by irresponsible people – they literally pay with their lives, something people seem to want to ignore, or pretend they are not aware of.

The shelter said:

Let’s do better! These are living creatures. We owe it to them to be better humans and care for them as they deserve. If you can’t do that, please, don’t get one.

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    • Thank you. This stuff breaks my heart. I give the people like the ladies of animal victory so much credit for their efforts in stopping these monsters. I don’t know how these rescues do it everyday. I would need a shrink to keep myself sane. All we can do is donate, make our voices heard and adopt or foster if possible

  1. I was sounding the alarm on this as soon as covid hit. The shelters were obviously overjoyed with the fact that every kennel was empty. unfortunately most humans are very predictable. people were locked down and bored so they ran out and got as many pets as they could to keep themselves entertained. they saw them as a distraction more than a loving and living creature. i kept saying once this ends and it will you are going to see a tidal wave of animals either going back to shelters or just released in the street. here we are a short time later and it is exploding. i wish i could pick the lottery as easily as this was to predict. humans are a failed experiment. with the majority being selfish and cruel. yes there are good people out there but it seems with every new generation that number dwindles. the animals suffer with these statistics because people put little value in each other, what chance does a defenseless animal have? the depravity has increased ten fold since social media where people hurt and kill innocent animals for likes and thumbs up. i pray every day for a good outcome but it is becoming more difficult with every passing day to see any light at the end of that long tunnel!

  2. As usual, no one here is directly addressing the need to BAN DOG BREEDERS, starting with the hell mills. The number of poor commodified puppies being born DAILY in those abysmal places is off the charts. Those born “accidentally” by people’s unsterilized dogs is a tiny fraction of that number.

    With no dog breeders in business, we would not be in this horribly heartbreaking situation that has gone on for many decades. “Shelters” could actually be shelters and adoption centers where dogs are in short supply and only going to well-screened, good people and homes, run by compassionate caretakers, with no animals euthanized unless it is for legitimate reasons.

    Dog breeders are to blame first and foremost for the tragedy we suffer every day, and people need to start focusing in on them and stopping them, for good.

    • dog breeders wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the idiots who patronize them. same as drug lords wouldn’t exist if you didn’t have dealers and addicts. we create the demand and they supply the goods.

  3. Really?

    People who buy or get dogs willy nilly and then decide to dump them for when they become inconvenient, ARE NOT, AND NEVER WERE- PET PARENTS!

    They are irresponsible self centered selfish people who do not think before acquiring an animal ( any animal) !!!!

    Tell yourself no, your kids or spouse no- if you cannot make a real commitment for the animals lifespan, get pet rock, beany baby, chia pet, a heart, a soul, a conscience, some brains , and above all some grown up skills and put a living feeling innocent creatures needs before your irresponsible desire to own a pet!

    Pets aren’t products or disposable

    NOW YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. How many emotional COVID adoptions are being returned or abandoned now that the “crisis” is over? Amish puppy mills dump their unsaleable “product” on rescues and shelters. Not much has changed in the last 50 years. Despite better low cost spay/neuter programs there are still to many discarded pets. States need to tighten up regulating small and large scale breeding operations. Veterinary associations should initiate state sponsored low cost spay/neuter voucher programs.

    • I don’t know where you have your dog(s) neutered/spayed, but there is NOT lower costs!! It costs up to $500 to a $1000 to get a dog neutered/spayed (more for the girl) in some cases!! You know what, I think that any cost to that other than the 10 to 15 min. with a boy and 20 to 25 min. with a girl, to a vet, is useless!! THIS PREVENTS an over population of cats and dogs, and should not be given a price!! It should be free and that is what I have been doing, is trying to get Congress or the governor to pass laws in every state, not to charge for neuters and spays!!!!!!!!! THIS is a correct decision when you think of the all the people’s needs and what happens!!!

      • There are a lot of low cost options, thru clinics not the vet. i don’t know why vets can’t offer better pricing though if clinics can. Most shelters offer vouchers, and most Humane societies have low cost options. The problem can be overflow of appts and not enough staff, but there are lots cost options. no one will do $20 though, I think anesthesia meds cost more than that.

      • “FRIENDS OF ANIMALS” Google it !
        They are CERTIFICATES you can buy for $80.00 to bring your animal to one of many participating clinics in all states in the U.S.
        I got a feral female cat spayed and her ear tipped for $90.00 including a $10.00 donation.
        Politicians at least most are scum and take our tax dollars and waste it on themselves or their political cronies interests.

  5. This is why there is a need for a national adoption blacklist. Breeders use shelters as their own personal dumping ground if their pounds of flesh are lucky. Plenty of Amish breeders put a bullet in them and call it a day. No matter who the potential adopter, if they have a proven track record of being unwilling or unable to provide a literal forever home, then they shouldn’t be allowed to continue the pattern.

    • Many of the over run shelters just want to unload dogs as fast as they can to make room for more to come in. All they have time for is basic care ….feed, water and clean up. Most are just unpaid hard working volunteers that care about the animals. The shelter phones are ringing off the hook all day long and no end in sight. Spay and neuter is the only option, sad that the innocent animals have to pay the price for our stupidity.

      • Spay and neuter should be mandatory to have a pet. registered and a Certificate proving it. Like when You get Your Pet a rabies shot, You get a paper proving it!

  6. The quoted reasons reflect behavioral issues that are common reasons for surrender in adolescent dogs in shelters throughout NA. The refusal of shelters to explore solutions to behavioral reasons, which although perhaps not their responsibility, results in excessive surrenders. By collaborating with organizations and professionals (yes, such as myself) they would provide pet parents with proven solutions. Blaming pet parents only serves to exasperate the problem and increase the gap between pet parents and solutions.

    • So you’re blaming the dog’s and the shelters? Really? Are you that stupid?!! It’s no one’s fault but the irresponsible people who get a cute puppy and then don’t fucking train it! They expect it to just know what it is and isn’t supposed to do! The responsibility lies solely on their shoulders for being a worthless pet owner and then they’ll turn around and buy another and another and another! That is the problem shelters face!

    • Many people refuse help when offered. When given a solution or steps on how to help they do not want it and have 1000 excuses. This is with cats and dogs both, not just dogs.


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