HomeAnimal RescueShelter's Longest Resident Out Of Time - Scheduled To Die Monday Afternoon

Shelter’s Longest Resident Out Of Time – Scheduled To Die Monday Afternoon

Update 5/3/2024: UPDATE-Ruby has a rescue and will be leaving this weekend.Thank You to everyone for helping us to save Ruby!

Scott, Louisiana – Ruby, the dog who has been at the Vermilion Parish Rabies Animal Control longer than any other, is out of time. Unlike a treasured long-term guest who might receive special favors, Ruby has a date with a technician who will end her life on Monday afternoon.

The Vermillion Parish Rabies Animal Control agency broke the bad news on Thursday afternoon:

This sweet dog named Ruby is our longest resident. Because we are over capacity,she is scheduled to be Euthanized Mon afternoon.Please help us to save her life.

Ruby’s biography reveals her gentle, affectionate soul:

Ruby’s gentle nature and sweet disposition shine through, making her an extraordinary companion. Ruby has shown positive interactions with both male and female dogs. She craves human connection and cherishes moments of affection and tenderness.

Ruby was taken in at the animal control agency more than 100 days ago – she was confiscated from her owner as part of an animal cruelty case. How incredibly tragic would it be for her life to be snuffed out at the shelter after she survived a cruel owner?

Please share Ruby’s adoption information. Time is of the essence. Ruby deserves to live and someone would be lucky to have her in their life.

Adoption link here. 

Shelter Location Address: Scott, LA
Email: animalaidvermilion@gmail.com
Phone: (337) 366-0212

Facebook link here. 

Note: All inquiries about this dog MUST be made directly to the shelter.

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  1. i am so happy to see she was saved. what a cute pup. i don’t understand shelters. they take in strays who are surviving on the street supposedly to save them. they then complain they are full to capacity so they must start killing dogs to make room for more and the cycle of killing starts all over again when those dogs become dated. how are you saving a dog that is at least surviving on the street and bringing it to safety to kill it a couple weeks later. makes no damn sense to me.

  2. This really is horribly sad. It looks like she knows. Pretty Ruby looks like she has the soul of an angel. I hope and pray that her perfect people are alerted to her possible execution and quickly step up to adopt her and give her the wonderful life she, and all dogs, deserve. including those dogs stuck in puppy mills and lowlives’ backyards as “breeder stock.” Wish I could hug Ruby and bring her home!


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