HomeAnimal RescueSuffering Pup Rescued From Pile Of Snow Amidst Frigid Temperatures

Suffering Pup Rescued From Pile Of Snow Amidst Frigid Temperatures

Detroit, MI – A puppy who was left to suffer in frigid temperatures was discovered curled up in a pile of snow. According to the Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue, the puppy was rescued after someone reported that a dog was outside freezing to death.

Rescuers were able to remove the puppy from the snow and get her to a veterinarian where it was determined that she is just eight months of age.

The puppy, dubbed Willow, is now safe and warm thanks to the rescue group. On Thursday, the agency said:

Our sweet rescued girl Willow is now all thawed out and warm indoors where her medical team determined that she is around 8 months old. We were heartbroken to see her curled up in a pile of snow underneath some icicles. We are so grateful to be part of her journey to a new better life.

Tragically, Willow is not the only dog who was suffering outside in subzero temperatures. The rescue group has been working round-the-clock to save dogs who have been cast aside by uncaring owners.

You can follow the rescue agency’s efforts on Facebook at this link.

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  1. I have said this so many times, DOGS have a SOUL and they belong indoors with the family that has them!! I have written to the House and Senate getting barely an answer, “let your governor know!” I would rather wait until this fall when they vote to get this one out and get a new better one in, and write to him too!! Sure he can fix our state for things such as this, but what about the U.S., it takes FEDERAL LAWS for DOGS to do that!! Then the people know they mean business!! I also suggested that every dog be microchipped and registered, and only the owner can take that down if the dog is given away or sold or dies!! If a microchip and registration were given, it would not take long before the pound or shelter could have a name and either take the dog back to them if the dog is not starved or hurt, or to take the person to jail!! ITS that simple!! Will they look at or put the law into effect, I don’t know!! I also would like them to make Neutering and Spaying a dog NO CHARGE!! It is this law that has given us the millions of dogs and cats we have that are mistreated, unfed, and die in the cold or hot weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will they listen, only if there is more than one person writing to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. here in tulsa okla , the city just passed the no tethering law in this freezing weather…. but it has to be enforced …we have had over 15 days of below freezing temps and the AC has rounded up and took in over 120 dogs as of friday…. and the shelter is over flowing with unwanted , uncared for dogs as is, so this means , ‘some of the dogs already in the shelter will have to be put down to make more room for the new ones coming in daily… all because their WORTHLESS POS OWNERS wont take care of them….no dog should live as some do here in tulsa county….

  3. I wish we had laws that when people leave an animal out in the cold like this their punishment is to be locked outside in the cold for the same amount of time their pet was outside. Just enough time for them to feel the pain and suffering so they get it. I think it might be the only way to teach some people a lesson.


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