HomeFeaturedTears And Dismay For Dog Surrendered At 11 Years Of Age Because...

Tears And Dismay For Dog Surrendered At 11 Years Of Age Because New Baby’s Cries Were Upsetting

Seattle, WA – When a video of an 11-year-old dog surrendered to a Seattle animal shelter was posted to social media, hearts collectively broke. According to Seattle Humane, the senior dog named Pretty Girl lost her home because her family had a baby and the infant’s crying upset her.

Pointing out the obvious…animal shelters are noisier, and more stressful, than crying babies.

Comments on the video ranged from:

My brain cannot comprehend how someone could just give their baby (dog) up💔


She’s so sad. Her eyes. This is heartbreaking.

But there is a heartwarming resolution to Pretty Girl’s story. On Sunday, Seattle Humane let their TikTok followers know that she has been adopted!

The shelter said that Pretty Girl’s adopter was patient and understanding. Best wishes in your new home Pretty Girl – enjoy the twilight of your life with your new guardian.

You can follow Seattle Humane here.

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  1. After the baby was born they were looking for an excuse to dump the dog because had they cared at all the dog would have never ended up at the shelter . Pitiful excuse for humans

  2. When something this heartless happens to a poor dog I always have to wonder what its life was like up until now. CLEARLY absent of any kind of caring and love. So, little Pretty Girl was rescued from this cold and callous family FINALLY after 11 years of being treated like a disposable object. May she be surrounded by love hereafter. ( And I feel sorry for the child, being raised in that loveless home.)

  3. Assholes teaching their baby to how to be an asshole instead of working on solutions to help the family member that loved them for 11 years to love them back with a solution. I think they were looking for a cheap reason to not have the dog in their family. These kind of people are so cheap that you can ask them who their parents are and they can’t even answer that!

  4. These people are disgusting! Because they cannot raise a child in a proper way this poor dog had to go? That’s the world upside down….brainless scumbags! I hope that baby will drive them insane!!

  5. She’s better off. There’s a place for people who make decisions like that. I’d give up the crying baby before the dog who’d been by my side for 11 years.

  6. Those owners suck to give up a family member. They should never have another pet and stick to raising their crying kid alone. They don’t deserve the love and loyalty of any animal
    After being so thoughtless and uncaring giving up this precious soul who was good enough until the baby came!! Shame on these pathetic people

  7. I CANNOT BELIEVE that this dog’s family gave this dog to a shelter!! The shelter is noisy, always will be noisy, and the dog could not tolerate that!! WAS there not a family member that would take the dog?? I have to stand here for the dog, that dog had the family and was part of the family, and they just “guessed” as what was wrong!! I think it might have been the woman, or maybe the man didn’t want him any longer!! THIS was a dirty cold trick and I don’t think that I would even give him another dog in the future!! BUT, the dog has a new owner now, I’ll bet the dog will be much happier there!!!!!!!

  8. OMGosh!! People can be so disgusting!! We cannot believe that those cruel people would surrender their family…this small dog of 11 years!!!! Damn them!!
    Praise God a fantastic family now has Pretty Girl for the rest of her beloved life!! Thank you to all who brought this new family together!! God bless all involved!! And, Pretty Girl!!

  9. Can’t believe the original family. They don’t deserve to ever have another pet. Glad pretty baby found a loving home. ❤️❤️

    • I am shocked that they didn’t even discuss the situation with the veterinarian before they dumped her at the shelter! Pretty girl deserved better, and at least now she will have better!

  10. She may have been concerned for the new baby. Owners are so wrong to jump to conclusions in this situation. That dog was like a 77 told relative and they just gave her away. She is better off in this new loving home. Pets are family and a commitment.

  11. I’m so happy Pretty Girl has been taken into a new loving home. Bless her precious heart ❤️ May she live a good, wonderful life.


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