HomeDogsTexas Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Punching And Kicking...

Texas Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Punching And Kicking His Dog

San Antonio, Texas – A Texas man caught on video abusing his dog in 2019 has been sentenced to 25 years in prison; one of the longest sentences ever recorded in Texas for an animal cruelty case.

A good Samaritan captured the abuse of a Rottweiler named Buddy on video and that video led to the lengthy prison sentence handed down to 56-year-old Frank Javier Fonseca.

Stock image of a Rottweiler/Not Buddy

The damning video evidence showed Fonseca punching and kicking Buddy; Fonseca also hit his young dog with a piece of wood and choked him. Amazingly Buddy survived the abuse and he has since been adopted by a new family.

According to a news release from Animal Care Services, Fonseca’s prior felony convictions, including drug possession and crimes of retaliation, allowed for a heavier sentence.

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  1. If every abuser was given this length of sentence, the world would be a better place. Kudos to the judge for having the gonads to deliver it.

  2. About time we see some justice for these innocent creatures. NOW…..if all the courts would follow suit and give sentences like this, then this abuse, mistreatment, torture and killing of these babies would end!!! Karma finally did its job.

    • “Karma” had nothing to do with it. It was law being upheld and prior offenses.

  3. I advocate for capital punishment for anyone wilfully harming ANY cat, as was law in ancient Egypt, a far more highly evolved society than any currently on earth. As we have not progressed that far yet, I always ask for maximum sentence; and though I’m not a “dog person” I abhor cruelty and applaud this sentence. May the perpetrator serve every hour of it.

  4. Absolutely fabulous!! I am so tired of reading abusers getting a slap on the wrist. Finally a sentence that fits the crime…lifetime could have been better. I pray more states get on board with this.


  6. This 25-year prison sentence for this low-life animal abuser is finally PROGRESS AND LONG OVERDUE!!! This kind of Trash should never be allowed to own another animal of any king–EVER!!! Furthermore, they should be monitored periodically to see to it that the animal abuser/killer is abiding by that mandate!!!!

  7. This is absolutely FANTASTIC news! I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a sentence of this severity for animal cruelty!!! WOW!! I am not certain as to how this sentence came to be but I am elated! I will need to research animal cruelty laws in TX, but this should be a mandatory sentence for such a viscous and horrific attack on an innocent animal. Thank you to the Judge who handed this much deserved sentence down to this evil monster! 👏👏

      • The SCUMBAGS sentence was so harsh only because of his prior felony convictions. HOPEFULLY this rotten EVIL to the core BASTARD will suffer a punishment that mirrors his CRIME of CRUELTY every day for the next 25 yrs!!! 🤬😖🤬 He should never be allowed back out into society until his full sentence is served. A no brainer is…he must be hit with a lifetime BAN prohibiting him from owning, or even being anywhere near another animal of any kind, including birds ever again. He’s a PSYCHO whom I WISH could be thrown under the jail instead of in it!!! THANKFULLY Buddy survived his BRUTAL attack!!! May he know nothing but love, nurturing kindness, &, SAFETY for the rest of his precious life.

  8. This evil,mentally deranged severe dog abusing scumbag most definitely requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing extermination for this evil cretin is essential.

  9. I hope he gets beat, strangled,punched, raped and maybe murdered for being sooo ugly to Buddy he better not drop the soap! Such a scumbag!

  10. Wish more States were willing to give appropriate sentences like this for animal cruelty instead of the usual slap on the wrist. Hope this bastard rots in jail.

  11. Let’s hope his sentence sticks and he is the example for other would be abusers. It’s about time justice prevails for these defenseless beautiful souls!

  12. This is good, but punching and kicking, as well as slow hanging and electroshocking (and so much more, including lying about it) is standard procedure in K9 units, dog “training” academies (which utilize the military K9 protocols) and even just other “service” dog “training” allows this to go on all the time, hidden and protected. When a video leaks, we get the same old “one bad apple” excuse to keep the public anesthetized.


      • What does toxic masculinity have to do with anything? If this had been a woman (which is often the case) would you be signing a petition to keep her from jail because that beating had to be the result of a period induced hormone surge?

        With all due respect, Sue is absolutely right. Nothing she said was wrong or was deserving of your well meant but ncredibly rude outburst.

      • It definitely is a milestone victory, I’m over the moon, I’ve seen many dogs that have been tortured, burned alive, dragged to their deaths by tying to a car, thrown out of windows (and many other things) and the people have gotten next to no punishment

    • En 2022 , aucunes raisons ne justifie , le dressage violent , on ne dresse pas les animaux , on les éduquent , sans violences , avec patience et amour , la punition de prison ferme et longue , devrait être systématique , partout , dans tous les états et pays dits civilisés , montrons l’exemple et stoppons les TRAFICS D’ANIMAUX !!! Une famille veut un animal , elle est apte , OK ! Dans les SPA , il y en a beaucoup !!! Arrêtons pour toujours , de les servirent de COBAYES DE LABORATOIRES ET DANS LES ZOOS , STOP AUX EXIBITIONS , LIBÉRERONS LES ORQUES , DAUPHINS ET PHOQUES .

    • Many years ago my brother was a POLDOGH (military police) in the Australian Air-Force. One year his dog won Australian champion. You are 100% correct. They do not use “food rewards” to “train” the dogs, they abuse them.

    • If that’s the case, Sue, then all of those “K9 Units”, etc., need to be investigated and charged accordingly. Many years ago I trained obedience and agility. One of the methods that was used for those dogs who misbehaved was the “hanging” technique. Now, today, there are much more humane and effective ways to deal with those dogs that misbehave. I would NEVER use the methods you spoke about when training my personal dogs – and they have always been the most well behaved people have seen. Plus, they are also trained to protect me and my property. It’s not necessary to abuse dogs and bring them to the brink of fearing for their lives in order to get them trained for the jobs they are required to do.

    • I agree and I read more and more about police officers and trainers getting away with torture and murder of these precious animals, it makes my stomach turn I really mean that, it is so upsetting what goes on I can only cry and pray they be stopped. The things humans do, I pray God sees them through the eyes of the animals.

    • Sound like you love yo see are hear about people abusing animals I Agee with the others you need to shut up he got what he deserves 25 years in prison just like all the other need to be

  13. Great news, justice 👨‍⚖ served to this man i just hope now all animals & pets get the real justice ⚖ they all deserve after being abused or sadistically killed by humans in the future.
    And because if these monsters can act like that towards an animal they can act like that to another person or a child…🤔😡
    Stop all abuse! 🙏❤


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