HomeDogsTexas Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Punching And Kicking...

Texas Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Punching And Kicking His Dog

San Antonio, Texas – A Texas man caught on video abusing his dog in 2019 has been sentenced to 25 years in prison; one of the longest sentences ever recorded in Texas for an animal cruelty case.

A good Samaritan captured the abuse of a Rottweiler named Buddy on video and that video led to the lengthy prison sentence handed down to 56-year-old Frank Javier Fonseca.

Stock image of a Rottweiler/Not Buddy

The damning video evidence showed Fonseca punching and kicking Buddy; Fonseca also hit his young dog with a piece of wood and choked him. Amazingly Buddy survived the abuse and he has since been adopted by a new family.

According to a news release from Animal Care Services, Fonseca’s prior felony convictions, including drug possession and crimes of retaliation, allowed for a heavier sentence.

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  1. This kind of news should be shared all over the state and country to let abusers know that they will not get away with cruelty to any living being.

  2. Thank goodness this POS has been removed from society. Hopefully he’ll serve the whole 25. He should actually be abused the same as he abused that poor dog.

  3. Great news! Happy to see that there are places where the justice system treats animal cruelty as the true crime it is. Kudos to those involved in prosecuting this case.

  4. This is great! A nice long sentence for a monster. Hopefully this will make abusers think twice about harming an animal!

  5. That is what I call JUSTICE. All judges should follow. Until these monsters are left in prison to rot, animal abuse will be prevalent. Happy life Buddy!! You deserve nothing but love!! 🙂

  6. Those are the best news I have heard in all seven days; I have been depressed and in bed, but now with this news, I got to get out of bed and celebrate, going to open my Choco vine, which is Dutch chocolate with red wine, been waiting for a great reason to open it. Now I have one. Also want to Thank God for allowing this man to be punished, Amen!!! I hope he gets beaten to death in prison!!!!!

  7. And in Texas yet! It is not the best state for animals though none are perfect. Thanks to those extra changes he will sit in a depressing and dangerous prison for a long time. I hope he does not get out early. Thanks for the good news.

  8. Now THIS is what I call justice. Thank you for removing this disgusting man from society for so long. PLEASE DO NOT GRABNT HIM PAROLE

  9. Good! It’s about time there is justice for abused animals! More punishment like this should occur. We could save more animals from these monsters if animal abuse was taken seriously by the justice system.

  10. That’s really good news. We need to make people realise that owning a pet is not the same as owning a piece of furniture. They are sentient beings and feel all the emotions a human does. I hope that all future sentences take this into account.

  11. Everyone seems to be thinking Yay, finally someone has been sentenced greatly for animal cruelty. But he has a lengthy history, the only reason he got this sentence was the dog cruelty was the last straw for the judge. He was sentenced for an accumulation of his past crimes. Yes, it’s good, but it doesn’t mean the laws are getting stricter for our animals, unfortunately.

  12. This is great, but hope the law can keep it up and punish more if not all those caught abusing and torturing animals. In my opinion, those that do this, deserve the same as they had done. Punch, kick, strangle, starve, burn and sodomize those POS!! And then if they are still alive, then throw them in jail.

  13. As a Texan, I am unbelievably happy to hear this. Maybe this is a sign that Texas is going to start enforcing our animal abuse and neglect.

  14. YES!!!! Great News. This punishment is something that every state and country should follow. Don’t Get a Dog if You Don’t Know How to Treat it Right! Treat Animals as you would like to be treated, they are sentient beings too!

  15. Let this be a warning to other abusers!!! However why not thing of all the abuse involved and torture of animals that used to eat? Do you think they deserve to be treated less than a dog? How they suffer so terribly too. I mean would you torture and then eat your dog? It really is a shame that people do not understand the difference.


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