HomeAnimal CrueltyTrain Conductor Suspended for Throwing Cat to its Death

Train Conductor Suspended for Throwing Cat to its Death

Russia – On January 11, an orange and white cat named Twix escaped from his cat carrier while onboard a train in Russia. Tragically, the conductor who discovered the cat while the train was stopped in Kirov forced him out into the snow when the temperature was -22 degrees.

A large search effort ensued and on January 20, Twix’s body was found…the cat is believed to have perished from the subzero temperatures, and attacks by dogs.

The cat’s cruel demise sparked anger among people in Russia who have demanded that the person responsible for Twix’s death be punished. As reported by The Daily Beast, the woman has been suspended from her job with Russian Railways.

Ivan Kolesnikov, the deputy general director of Russian Railways, told lawmakers:

“She is currently not working with passenger trains, temporarily for a period of review,”

In a statement, the Investigative Committee said:

“The pet was on the train legally: the cat had a baggage check, and it was traveling in a car where the transportation of animals is allowed. The owners of the cat appealed to law enforcement agencies. However, the police officers refused to initiate a criminal case.”

The Railway is making changes to how pets are handled onboard. The release states:

Russian Railways stated that they would conduct an internal investigation into the situation with the cat, the company will now prohibit employees from dropping animals off the train. Later, the company announced open joint consultations on improving the rules for transporting animals on trains with the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

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  1. Depravedly CRUEL to NOT bring in Kitty when choice to rescue was easy to make — I’m thrilled Conductor is being penalized — probably NOT severely enough — heartbreaking Kitty underwent so much suffering & horrible DEATH — SHAME on IRRATIONAL & SADISTIC Conductor.

  2. horrible bitch the poor innocent cat unnecessarily suffered a cruel and painful death FOR WHAT/ A HEARTLESS BITCH WHO KNEW BETTER…


  3. This ugly freaking bitch should be thrown out in the freezing cold and left to the elements! What a heartless pos she is. Make her pay restitution and fire her!!

  4. I strongly agree that this heartless monster should be thrown off the train into the frigid cold and left there to freeze to death! I am sick of people being so hateful towards cats! She needs the electric chair!

    Please go to change.org and sign my petition on needing to end all animal cruelty worldwide.

  5. This woman needs to be fired! She had no regard at all for the poor cat and obviously made no effort to find who he belonged to. We are talking about Russia so don’t expect much.

  6. Crazy STUPID evil woman. God bless the poor cat’s soul and keep him in Heaven, far, far away from wicked “human” a-holes forever.

  7. train company are being spineless, maybe shes screwing a boss? anyhow, she destroyed a passengers property so the train company now liable for compensation, and are required to sack her immediately with termination of any benefits. thats pretty much law everywhere, anything less is dereliction of service. as for this POS, shes got a count a severe gross misconduct on her sheet, so good luck finding work in future. frankly i lob her into a frozen lake myself, but thats just me!

  8. Suspension and training is not enough. You cant train someone to have empathy and not be cruel!!!!
    Fire her and blackball her from any other jobs!!

  9. Why did it take them nine days to search for this cat and subzero weather she’s a horrible person. She should be in jail, but of course we’re dealing with Russia who obviously doesn’t care about humans much less animals. There’s no reason she should not be prosecuted shame on them.

    • They searched for Twix from Jan 11 till Jan 20, on a sparsely inhabited plain. Many locals were included. And they found her, albeit too late.
      Now, what about the chance of ever finding a lost cat in, say, Idaho?

  10. Where is the petition for this?! That horrible person KNEW the cat belonged to someone, how else would she get there? But even if the cat was a stowaway she should’ve contacted an officer to take to a shelter, not throw her into the freezing cold! How horrible and heartless can you be to do that!?! What a horrible cruel death! I hope the train company suffers for this in profits! That’s the only way to make this hit home to them. Spread the word to others in your area Russia animal lovers!

    • This is Russia! They don’t give a damn about animals! Remember they poisoned and shot strays before the Olympics there a few years back. Russia is a piece of shit country!

  11. Suspended for a period of time? That is all she gets? Even if the cat had just snuck on to the train it would be unacceptable to throw him/her off. Poor Twix, safe one moment and the next tossed into rigid weather to be ravaged by dogs and freeze. Suspension or anything even close is not endoiugh. If she had done this to a person, she would be in jail now.

  12. Sickening callousness and cruelty. Little Twix was friendly and was causing no harm. Anyone with a working brain should have known to check THOROUGHLY to try to find out where the cat belonged/ If she still couldn’t find the owner, how hard would it have been to put the cat somewhere on the train where it would be safe, like a baggage room or something and turn it over to an animal shelter. Just throwing the poor little cat out into the cold was incredibly cruel. She should be FIRED.

  13. This woman should be fired, the cat was being transported legally, in a carrier. She should not be allowed to be around any animals for life. I would not be surprised if she does this all the time and it’s the first time she’s has been caught!! TOTAL BITCH!!


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