HomeVictory For Animals! Colombia Bans Bullfighting

Victory For Animals! Colombia Bans Bullfighting

Colombia – Last Tuesday, Colombia’s Parliament voted to end bullfights. All but two of the 95 members of Parliament voted in favor of banning bull fighting; the bill now goes to President Gustavo Petro for final approval. Petro is expected to sign off on the law after posting to X his support of ending the cruel sport, “Congratulations to those who managed that death will no longer be a show.”

According to a release from Animal Defenders International (ADI), it has taken seven years of work to get the bill passed. In a release, ADI said:

“It has been seven years since the first bill to ban bullfighting in Colombia was introduced, facing massive opposition from vested interests. It took many more attempts, with our team picking themselves up and trying again, raising awareness, and seeing the Colombia Sin Toreo coalition of groups into a powerful force.”

After the bill is passed into law, there will be a three-year transition period to allow people reliant on income from the bullfights time to find a new source of funds.

France, Portugal, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Spain and Venezuela still allow the barbaric bull fights.

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  1. “…death will no longer be a show.” DEATH? Try prolonged sadistic murder by multiple stabbings done by a prancing glitter boy while the nasty people in the audience smile and gasp and cheer. Three years more to be fair to those in the biz? It should be ended immediately, but this is at least better than nothing.

  2. Why anyone would ever want to attend ANY “event” where an animal is abused and killed is so beyond my ability to comprehend. We live in a world with a lot of people with sick and twisted ways of thinking. Horse racing, cock fighting, dog fighting, rodeos, the circus, bullfights………beyond sickening.

    • People who are low life and sick in the head are the only people who take pleasure in watching animals suffer, if only such people could be euthanised, they are oxygen stealers and do not contribute anything of value to this planet.

    • This has been going on for a vey long time, over a 100 years!! So this is not just a spur of the moment decision!! It has taken a very long time for this to be passed and they need to go to work on the other states!!

  3. that’s awesome. chaulk up a win for the animals. it is such a senseless sport. now if we can get the rest of south america to end it that would be grest.


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