HomeAnimal RescueWashington's Elusive, Runaway Zebra Finally Captured

Washington’s Elusive, Runaway Zebra Finally Captured

North Bend, WA – The elusive zebra who eluded capture in Washington for nearly six days has finally been caught. The runaway mare (originally reported to be a stallion) was one of four zebras who escaped from a trailer near North Bend on April 28.

Three of the zebras were quickly corralled, but the mare, Shug, made a run for it. Search efforts were quickly put into motion and multiple sightings of the mare were observed on trail cams in the days that followed.

By Friday afternoon, rescuers were able to corral Shug – ending her freedom quest. The six day run prompted people to get creative on Photoshop, placing Shug all over Washington state, from the Univeristy of Washington campus, to a local fire station, and even on top of the Narrows Bridge.

But Shug’s freedom run is over. She is now on her way to Anaconda, Montana, to join the other zebras who made the trek earlier this week.

It is unclear if the zebras went to a sanctuary or a petting zoo.

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  1. One might want to know exactly who “owns” the zebras and to what end and where. The fact that it’s not disclosed is concerning. They belong in their natural habitat, which they were very likely trying to ESCAPE to.


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