HomeNational Animal NewsWildlife Officials Kill 4 Bears, Including Mother And Her Cubs, At Park...

Wildlife Officials Kill 4 Bears, Including Mother And Her Cubs, At Park For Homeless People

Anchorage, Alaska – Earlier this week, wildlife officials in Anchorage, Alaska, killed four black bears, including a mother and her two cubs. Alaska Department of Fish and Game agents killed the bears on Tuesday because the animals had been frequenting the Centennial Park Campground, which has recently been repurposed as a campground for homeless people.

In a news release, Biologist Dave Battle justified the killings as a safety issue:

“Centennial Campground staff are doing the best they can to manage the campground and minimize attractants, but there are still a lot of tents with food in them. Until that changes, more bears are going to come into the campground and get into tents. That’s a safety issue both for the people staying there now, and anyone who stays there after them.”

Efforts are being made to educate the people at the campground about safe bear practices. Parks and Recreation Director Mike Braniff said:

“This is 24 hours a day, we send somebody out to make the rounds, to see what’s going on, communicate with folks. And also volunteer to clean up any trash they may have accumulated since the last visit.”

Hundreds of bears live in and around Anchorage. It is unclear if killing bears who enter the campground area will continue. Battle stated:

“Killing any particular bear is a very temporary solution There are always going to be more bears in that vicinity because of its location, and we can’t teach bears not to eat what they can find.”

(Image via Pixabay Free Images)

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  1. house these people already and let the bears be wild animals. the homeless will become eternally, free campers at everyone’s expense especially the wildlife.

  2. Complete Bastards,KILLING A FAMILY OF BEARS when they have every right to live their lives as much as them .Your not above nature or can be !!

  3. This is wrong! How about set up a housing program and tell humanity to live with all creatures and stop killing!

    • They don’t want to stay in shelters where there are RULES TO FOLLOW. You can’t drink and do meth at the shelters, stay up all night tweaking and smoke drugs etc. These degenerates are non confirming non contributing misfits who all need a major reality check. There lifestyle needs,to be OUTLAWED AND MADE ILLEGAL! THEY ALL NEED TO GET REHAB, THEN A FKG. JOB AND WORK JUST LIKE THE REST OF US AMERICANS. I’m sick and tired of the sight of them and their associated crime and impact on my once safe and clean city.

  4. Why are their homeless people in Alaska? They have millions in their coffers from the oil corporations! They hand it out every year to every person in Alaska. Why not use some of that money to house the homeless!

    • As a former Alaska resident and frequent visitor, I agree with Jeffrey. It may sound callous, but its the truth. 3/4 of these so called Alaskan Homeless are not Alaskans, they have zero connection to the state, no relatives, no job, didn’t attend school there, no history of family or work. Most are drug addicts, drunks etc who don’t want to work like your typical hard working Alaskan to make it possible to live properly and proudly as an Alaskan. Most are drifters and non contributors who are costing us taxpayers millions of dollars to clean up their (shit) alone. And now we are going to kill local wildlife to accommodate these degenerates! I say buy them airline tickets and fly them all back to their home states of origin and outlaw vagrancy in the Anchorage Boroughs now.

  5. Another example of animals paying the price for trying to live in THEIR HABITAT while those who are supposed to protect them take the easy way out and kill the innocents! The homeless should NOT be lodged there. The homeless need to learn how to maintain their area which is one of the main reasons no one wants them near their property, apparently not even the bears!

  6. Why would you put homeless people in a campground when everywhere in the usa they are filthy and leave trash, feces, etc everywhere with no regard for anyone or anything around them? Real smart on ADFG folks, the bears did not deserve to die for your arrogance. Pack up the homeless and find another alternative location for them.

    • Also there are a lot of vacant buildings, due to covid, that you can convert into shelter for these homeless people. What are you going to do with them once winter comes around?

  7. Someday all of the amazing animals on this planet will become extinct at the hands of dumbasses that can’t think outside the box. We humans really don’t deserve all the life and beauty this planet has to offer! They need to go to jail for this unwarranted killing spree.

  8. Safety issue for who ??? People want to be like SHIT and be everywhere…… send the homeless pinheads to California where they will be received WITH OPEN ARMS

  9. Just pathetic. Seems like humans want all other species wiped from this planet. The only species that needs to be wiped out is us.

  10. All the comments are so spot on. People take their land, leave food/trash where they can get it and then the bears pay with their lives for what they do. Homeless people do not have the means to cover up food as much but the powers that be could do something about that. I am once again disgusted and angry at the human centric actions by our species. Truly, we are the most dangerous and ultimate invasive species on the planet.

  11. Unfortunate when animals suffer the ultimate consequence because of humans. The bears should have been left alone and perhaps the people would have realized that maybe they should find somewhere else.

  12. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
    There are always other solutions instead of
    Thoroughly disgusting !!!

  13. That’s the bears land why do they have to die. Move the camp to a safer location or do all the bears have to die. They only want food.

  14. The bears have a right to roam, homeless camps set up anywhere they wish, they choose to be there. I will never accept killing wild animals that wander into towns/cities or homeless camps. Tranquilizer guns is the humane way to take action, police & animal control MUST always carry tranquilizer guns with them. Rich real estate developers continue to take away forests that belong to animals, of course & naturally wild animals wander to look for food. Human beings DO NOT own the planet WE SHARE it!!

  15. How about we start protecting animals from stupid, ignorant and just plain evil people. Move those people to someplace with a roof and 4 walls even if it’s an old gym or abandoned building they can fix up. A park where wild animals are supposed to be is a ridiculous plan by ridiculous politicians.

  16. “we can’t teach bears not to eat what they can find”. So STOP murdering them and start dealing with the cause!! Idiots! A mother and her 2 cubs?! Christ almighty!

  17. why couldn’t they sedate the bears and relocate them. just another lame excuse to kill anything in our way. these bears did nothing wrong and because a bunch of people have decided to squat where these animals live they must die. i would like to know who writes these laws in these states. they all seem to go to the same school of thought. sad and shameful.

      • Who had the dumb idea to let homeless people go and live in the area that is known to be the home of lots of bears?? Surely there are more suitable areas for the people? Maybe instead of spending time and money killing bears they could help the people find safer accommodation??

        • They don’t want the homeless ppl mucking up any place the other ppl are. Leaving their garbage and putting up tents wouldn’t look good. Killing something is all they know how to do.

    • Because just shooting them is a lot less labor intensive & there isn’t necessarily a place waiting to accept bears that doesn’t already have people nearby & also bears travel long distances to get back to their familiar home territory. No room for large animals on Earth anymore today, always more & more people everywhere..

    • Exactly, why not sedate the bears and relocate them. Why on earth do they have to kill innocent bears because this is their place to live. Get the homeless tiny homes and place them out of danger. They can both live life happily.

  18. If we humans stopped taking the animals land, and left them to live in peace, we wouldn’t have human/animal conflict!!!


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