HomeAnimal CrueltyWoman Arrested After Nearly Killing Her Kitten With Cleaning Supplies

Woman Arrested After Nearly Killing Her Kitten With Cleaning Supplies

Portland, OR – A Portland woman has been arrested and charged for nearly killing her kitten with cleaning supplies. According to sources, Elizabeth Zurcher-Wood brought her bright pink kitten to Dove Lewis Animal Hospital on December 12; the kitten was “barely responsive.”

As reported by KPTV News, the kitten was hypothermic and in shock after Zurcher-Wood “cleaned” her with Windex, Spic and Span and rubbing alcohol, claiming the kitten was “sick” in explanation for the toxic use of chemicals.

The veterinary team was able to treat the kitten who is now “healthy” and in a foster home. Zurcher-Wood was arrested and she is facing two counts of Animal Abuse in the 2nd Degree. The woman has been in trouble with the law in the past for trying to kidnap a child while “wielding” a machete.

(Images via Oregon Humane Society)

Continue reading: Litter Of Puppies Abandoned Inside Heavy-Duty, Duct-Taped Box On Texas Highway

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  1. Omg this is a horrible so called person. She’s insane & shouldn’t be allowed to walk freely. However jail or a mental institution is to good. Send her to the electric chair. She’s to insane to live. So happy the kitten survived & is now safe. Hate people who hurt other living things

  2. THIS has got to be a nightmare!! THIS IDIOT was arrested for trying to kidnap a child with a machete and now she almost killed a kitten!! WHAT else has she done, because I don’t feel like this is the only incidence since she tried to kidnap a child!! But it being Portland OR is the answer!! The cops and the mayor is really in on this!! THIS woman needs to be locked up for life or just taken and give her the same treatment she gives others!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I bet you she’s been a trouble maker her entire life, done more than tried to kidnap a child and for what reason?? to cause pain to that family? and to kill a kitten and for what fur babies can’t speak for themselves we humans have to be their voice I 💕 my fur baby she’s 6 turning 7 years old I will love ❤️ my fur baby Lily kitty 😻 cat forever and ever 💯 percent forever ♾️ their are a lot of sick mental and evil people in the world 🌍 those people need to all be locked up in a mental institution and or locked away in prison to be jailed forever and I so mean that and an evil person is not a good person they have no feelings no nothing makes them a psychopath for sure 💯 percent believe me I know, i have a parent that I have not seen since I was 4 years old, he kidnapped us my brother and I, in 1990 tried to take us to south America took 2 weeks to be found it was a lot but the FBI, was involved. all rights were taken away, when we were 4 & 5 years old.

    • agreed 💯 percent agree prison forever never again should she be allowed to
      walk free
      and have animals never again like hello people

  3. I sent a email to Johnson & Johnson who makes Windex and suggested they put “DO NOT USE ON ANIMALS.” on their label and gave the link to this story. I’m sure she’s not the only one to to use windex on a pet. People are stupid. But it is strange she’s not in jail for trying to kidnap a kid and using a machete. But we have Reagan and the GOP for closing mental health facilities when they took funding away. And when a funding bill comes up they vote no every single time. It’s part of the reason we have so many homeless people. Jails are no place for the mentally ill.

    • You can’t put a warning on everything to account for every stupid jackass out there, no wonder people are getting stupider, generations are growing up literally without thinking for themselves AT ALL! How much more can we think for them? And where do you put the “just plain evil”? These kinds of things are intentionally evil disguised as stupid so they can just soend time in a mental “spa”. We need to stop babying and protecting these wastes of air.

  4. This crazy birch is kidnapping a kid with a machete get she is walking freely about. Thank God the kitten is okay. She is obviously a serious threat to anything breathing.

    • yes very much agreed she needs to be locked up in a mental institution, badly he should have been locked up after trying to kidnap a child with a machete but yet she’s got a kitten that she nearly killed? thank God 🙏 the fur baby is okay, praying that the woman stays in jail and goes to either prison where she belongs or even better, gets put in a mental institution and put in a straight jacket 🧥

  5. WHY IS SHE IN PUBLIC AND NOT LOCKED UP IN AN INSTITUTION??? Personally any reform or reprimand is ALL a waste of taxpayers money and funerals are way cheaper than continued legal or penal costs!!! This measure allows for guarantee of no recurrence for her. SHE ISNT SAFE AROUND ANYTHING!!!

    • yeah for sure she first tried to kidnap a child with a machete and now she nearly killed a kitten? with toxic cleaning supplies what the heck is wrong with people? I would never ever do anything to harm or hurt a fur baby I love ❤️ fur babies all fur babies


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