HomeAnimal CrueltyWoman Arrested For Beating Poodle To Death With A Frying Pan

Woman Arrested For Beating Poodle To Death With A Frying Pan

Broward County, FL – A Florida woman was arrested and charged for allegations that she fatally beat a poodle with a frying pan. According to sources, 30-year-old Shacoria Pulliam was arrested on January 7 for the August killing of a poodle named Snowball.

As reported by Local 10 News, a witness saw Pulliam repeatedly punch the poodle in the head and body. The witness, who lived with Pulliam, was able to stop the attack and get the dog into a crate.

Later that night, Pulliam was observed beating the same dog with a frying pan before throwing her outside. On Sept. 1, the witness found Snowball’s decomposing body in a trash bin near the apartment; a necropsy confirmed that Snowball died from blunt force trauma.

Pulliam was jailed on a third-degree felony charge of animal cruelty; her bond is set at $25,000.

(Booking photo)

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  1. THIRTY YEARS OLD??? Damn, she looks like absolute shit. I guess hate, evil, and being soulless does that to you. Someone needs to beat her ugly ass to within an inch of her life and then throw her down the deepest ravine.

  2. Pulliam needs to be hung tortured and whipped with a heavy skillet so she’ll know how that poor little innocent dog felt. Let’s not forget: these deranged barbarians will do it again if you don’t destroy them first!!! Bury her alive!

  3. Unbelievable, horrific cruelty. This demented, low life needs life in the nearest mental institution. She is a danger to animals and society.

  4. THIS IDIOT of a person, has NO SOUL, there are people like that!! She doesn’t care what is done, she repeated what she did in the first place, killing the dog!! She has no sympathy, does not regret what she did, and she took a SOUL out of this world, God will not look kindly on her!! WHAT would she do to a human child??? I say the prisoners should get with her and let her know how they feel about the matter!!!!!!!!!!!! Take away the right to even be within 500 ft. of a dog, do not let her even hear about animals, donot ever let her have a dog in her company, charge her $500,000 for her crime and she surely has one!!!!!!!

  5. yes,the wretch needs the same. what did the dog do to her for her beating it? she looks demented. hope she gets any more animals. throw the book at her.a long prison time.

  6. That ugly witch needs her face bashed in with a frying pan! What a horrible monster she is. Throw her in jail and throw away the key.

  7. I hope that karma bites this bitch in a hurry. Maybe it will come in the form of someone beating her with a skillet until she no longer breathes. This society is going to hell in a bushel basket. I hope the individual that witnessed it no longer lives with her because they may be the next victim of this POS garbage trash.

  8. Please do this to her..the dumb ass laws don’t seem to understand that people that do this have much more wrong than you know. So when someone one does this to an animal they should not be free they are the evil that can’t be fixed..she has probably been abusive to other people and animals. She deserves to be hit with a frying pan, but that may improve that ugly ass face.

  9. Such blatant violence is abhorrent Personally, I am tired of the weak ‘cruelty to animals’ charge. This was murder. Can you imagine a charge for killing a person being called, cruelty to people? It makes the abuse or killing of animals not as important as that of people. Lock her up. She does not deserve freedom.

  10. Jail is too kind for evil like this excuse for a human. She is a threat to children, elderly and other animals. She should be investigated and her past throughly looked into. She is a danger to our society and put away.

  11. Evil demented pos needs some of her own medicine.
    Next will be a child–lor another unfortunate animal, so lock this sicko up and throw away the key

  12. Her eyes say it all…she’s brimming with self-hatred. That poor little (white) dog bore the brunt of it all and had better be in Heaven now, forever. Who will Shacoria brutally beat to death next after they let her off easily because “it” was “only” a dog? Perhaps her self-loathing will be vented upon a disabled toddler who somehow ends up alone with her. Only time will tell.

    • Really race (color) has nothing to do with this. Nothing here says the dog is white ( being named snowball they probably are,but still). Are you trying to imply she wouldn’t have killed a black or brown dog? Nice racist dog whistle there Nazi

      • Why wouldn’t a dog named “Snowball” be anything other than a white dog??? Now matter what color the dog was she would have killed it. The little dog is just an innocent victim here. It has NOTHING to do with race, She is just an evil person PERIOD!

      • Snowball? My guess is this was a little black poodle who this vicious, animal-hating killer named Snowball for kicks & treated mercilessly until finally beating him to death in Aug/Sept kept & not arrested till Jan for some reason.

      • You cannot accept that most crime is committed by blacks???? In fact MOST animal crime, eg Michael Vick.
        The pathetic authorities who don’t acknowledge animal abuse need to be removed from office and replaced with those who will apply severe punishment to these aberrants. And I mean SEVERE!! Florida, it seems, is the animal abuse capital.

        • Hey, Rachel, You cannot accept that you’re a racist POS????? Have you had a look at the articles here about non-black animal abusers & murderers????? While I agree 100% with your second paragraph, you can nonetheless GFY.

    • Laura, I agree with you! Any person who can kill a tiny dog is capable of harming another animal, child, or even an adult! Bc did you know that the FBI now recognizes the link between violence against animals and violence against people? Most serial killers and school shooters tortured and killed small animals before they moved on to killing humans. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer are two examples of a history of killing animals.

  13. Jail this POS. How can anyone beat an innocent defenseless animal with a cast iron skillet that would incur numerous injuries and pain? Let her to in jail and let Mabel beat her sick mind to death


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