HomeNational Animal NewsWoman Finds Tiny Puppy Stuffed Inside Of Her Mailbox

Woman Finds Tiny Puppy Stuffed Inside Of Her Mailbox

A young puppy is lucky to be alive after someone stuffed him inside of an Elberta, Alabama, woman’s mailbox. Otilia Gaona said that the puppy was scared when she found him, telling WKRG News,

“What would you think if you’re 6 weeks old and they leave you behind? He cried.”

It is amazing that the puppy didn’t die inside of the mailbox, which was closed up and devoid of fresh air. When Gaona removed him, he devoured the food that was offered. The pup is now safely in the care of an animal shelter, which will find him a loving, new home.

But Gaona is saddened by what happened. She said:

“It just makes me sad that people don’t value life anymore. If you can do that to a little dog that is defenseless you can do it to a child, you can do it to another human being. That’s just sad. We need to relearn the value of life.”

(Screenshots via WKRG News)

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