HomeAnimal RescueWoman Gored After Screaming At Buck Who Had Been Laying In Her...

Woman Gored After Screaming At Buck Who Had Been Laying In Her Driveway

Evanston, Wyoming – An Evanston woman is recovering from injuries she sustained last Thursday when she confronted a buck who had been laying in her driveway. Wanda Kaynor was shocked to see the buck in her driveway when she exited her home last week, and she began screaming at the animal when her dog ran directly into harm’s way.

Ring video captured the incident that shows Kaynor throwing her hat and screaming at the buck as he pushes the little dog underneath the car parked in the driveway. Her husband, Daniel, told KSL News:

“Of course, the buck didn’t like that. So, he went after him with his antlers and shoved him underneath the car.”

Describing what happened when his wife confronted the buck:

“She threw her hat at the thing, and of course, it came after her now.”

When the buck charged at Kaynor, he shoved her with his antlers, creating seven puncture wounds and crushing a vertebra in her back.

Daniel was able to grab hold of the buck’s antlers and get the animal away from his injured wife. In the process, he was punctured in his waist.

A UPS driver on the street came to the rescue and got the injured woman into his truck and to the hospital. Wanda was hospitalized and has weeks of recovery in her future. And the buck was killed by wildlife officials after a relative reported the incident to Wyoming Fish and Game.

Watch the video below.





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  1. This is NO WAY to behave when Wild Animals are on property living day to day — To RANT & SCREAM at Deer as if he were an adult Human is beyond STUPID — Deer does NOT KNOW about Ownership & Titles — SHAME on YOU Lady for handling situation poorly AND because of you getting Deer KILLED (Officials made huge mistake) — Deer wants to live his life — YOU, Lady, are encroaching on HIS property — with knowledge, understanding & compassion, everyone would’ve walked away happy & healthy.

  2. OMG, listen to that stupid, shrill screaming by that moronic twat!!!!!
    Idiot BITCH should have been shot, not the poor buck. It wasn’t doing anything until this massive dumbass started screeching and scaring it. And then she’s stupid enough to let her dog run out. She needs to be sterilized so she can’t bring more idiot offspring into a world already overcrowded with useless humans like her. Frankly, I hope she never recovers her use of movement and suffers the rest of her worthless life. Let her pee and shit in a bag.
    Husband sounds like a jerk too – and maybe that old fart should have married someone closer to his own age and not a CHILD.
    And shame on F&W – absolutely NO REASON to kill that deer. They also HAD to know they were dealing with an incredibly stupid woman.
    If I sound harsh, I am so sick of stupid selfish people like this woman and her husband who have no right moving into areas with wildlife and behaving like this and getting the wildlife destroyed over NOTHING.
    That dumb screaming…….

  3. Absolutely stupid, ignorant people, why did he save her? My guess is she is a horrible person everyday of her life. Because of her stupidity, an animal enjoying the sun lost it’s life. Here is a thought, and I hope there is no judgement, I hope that these injuries take forever to heal and cause lasting effects. Maybe she will think again before screaming and abusing another animal.

    • I’m with you and I won’t even apologize for hoping that bitch is crippled or WORSE for the rest of her useless, worthless life. People like her are the reason I revoked being an organ donor.

  4. Again an innocent animal died because a human stupidity. Just live them alone, respect them and they live peacefully!!

  5. Screaming and throwing things at the buck was idiotic. No wonder she got hurt. I feel sorry that the animal was destroyed but for her, not so much!!

  6. Wish I had never come across this! The buck was lying peacefully on her driveway and didn’t look like it had any intention of attacking when it got up! Her ridiculous screeching must have made it think it had to defend itself!! SHE should have been put down not the poor animal. Stick her in a cage somewhere for everyone’s sake!

  7. Just leave wildlife alone and they will leave you alone. Because of the woman’s ignorance an innocent animal was killed, why?

  8. You do NOT yell and scream and throw things at wild animals. Of course they will attack you. Sorry, no compassion for this idiot. Learn to live with wildlife. They were here long before humans came along to destroy this beautiful planet.

  9. Stupid woman. I’d charge at her too if she screamed at me like that. She was confrontational to the poor buck who thought (understandably) that he was being attacked. If you live in certain areas that are inhabited by wild animals, you must respect the animals and THEIR environment. An intelligent person would have kept calm and just got into the car. If it were me, I would have grabbed the nearest hose and sprayed the animal and not made such a damned fuss. Now the animal has been murdered because of this stupid bitch.

  10. This is where you live…in their habitat. If you can’t be respectful to the indigenous fauna there, then move. You put yourself and your dog at risk. Who yells at a buck just laying in the driveway when you live in the forest????


  12. What a bunch of bullshit. That stupid bitch got what she deserved. You don’t yell at the animal and thanks to those assholes the poor buck is dead. That buck didn’t know it was their driveway or that it shove there. People are so ignorant and stupid.

  13. What a bitch, now that deer is dead because of her. And the screaming, oh my gosh, drama much? YOU encroached on its territory. Why don’t you move to the city if you can’t handle a buck in your driveway. Lots of people, including my dad, live in areas they share with wildlife, including bucks, and never have an issue because they don’t overreact like you did. Now an innocent animal is dead because of you. I’m glad you’re traumatized, it’s the least amount of karma you should get. Enjoy your hospital stay!

  14. I read everyone’s comments and they are all so true, I live in a rural area and deer pass through and I think it is a gift. The other day there was a fox eating bird food. Was that woman from Evanston as in Illinois? She ought to go back if she can not deal with the presence of wildlife. What an idiot and a dangerous one at that.

  15. I was going to say exactly the same thing as the person below. The dog went under the car and was fine but she was a whacko. The human centricity ere is appalling but not surprising. People can go into wildlife habitat whenever they want to without repercussions but a deer can not go into that of humans. I agree, the buck would have left and to kill him is despicable. She brought it on herself. The buck was not dangerous but felt threatened. We truly are the most dangerous and ultimate invasive species.

  16. So basically the buck was killed for being a wild animal.
    Did she expect the deer to apologize for trespassing and mosey along while her dogs went after it?
    People are the worst.

  17. She’s an idiot. Screaming and throwing things at an animal is only going to piss it off. She should have let the poor thing alone. And, of course, the animals always pay for humans stupidity. The buck should never have been killed

  18. I live in the hills of NC & routinely walk outside & see deer laying about in the yard. Feet from my dogs. Even moms with babies. 3 males come by sometimes. 15 years & not gourd once. STOP SCREAMING or move to the city.

    • I live upstate NY and i am surrounded by wildlife, who by the way belong exactly where they are. The word is RESPECT! Many of these animals are very docile and just need their space. give them that and all is good.

    • 100%. This woman is a certified idiot. And now there’ll be a narrative about ‘deer attacking humans’. Yeah -if you can’t deal with wildlife, get away from where they live. Dumb AF

  19. once again an animal dies because of humans encroaching their living space. if this moron had just left him alone he would just leave on his own but by throwing things and screaming at him they just pissed him off. guess they found out the hard way who was tougher and as usual the poor deer is killed. people just get more stupid by the day.

    • I agree. She didn’t have to scream and throw anything at the buck. Why would anyone scream anyways? He was a deer, not a giant spider. Being surprised to see a deer lying on the ground in front of your home wouldn’t be grounds for screaming or panic for most folks. In fact, most would be excited and happy to see one so close to their home. All she really had to do was, 1) Keep her dogs inside. 2) Move slowly and speak softly to the buck, who probably would have gotten up and walked away without incident. That’s what deer do. OR 3) She could have gone back inside, sat down and waited for the buck to leave. (In the meantime call work and explain why you’ll be late. Take pictures.). In the video the two dogs are running around loose. They didn’t seem to need her “help” in getting away from the buck. I’m thinking that the presence of two dogs along with the woman screaming made the deer feel totally outnumbered. That’s why he chose not to run. He thought he had no choice but to fight to save himself. I don’t understand how any person can buy a home where wild animals freely roam about and not learn how to interact with them so both the people and the animals remain unharmed. This woman might want to consider moving to the city.


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