HomeNational Animal NewsWoman Gored By Yellowstone Bison: Second Attack During Same Week

Woman Gored By Yellowstone Bison: Second Attack During Same Week

Yellowstone National Park – On June 29, a 71-year-old Pennsylvania woman was gored by a bison after she and her daughter inadvertently got too close to the animal near Storm Point at Yellowstone Lake.

The incident, which left the woman with non-life-threatening injuries, comes just two days after a Colorado man was gored by a bison on a boardwalk near Giant Geyser at Old Faithful, and it is the third bison attack in 2022.

The National Park Service reminds the public that bison are unpredictable and they can run three times faster than humans. The agency advises the public to:

  • Give bison space when they are near a campsite, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area. If need be, turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in close proximity.
  • Stay more than 25 yards (23 m) away from all large animals – bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose, and coyotes – and at least 100 yards (91 m) away from bears and wolves.
  • Approaching bison threatens them and they may respond by bluff charging, head bobbing, pawing, bellowing, or snorting. These are warning signs that you are too close and that a charge is imminent.
  • Do not stand your ground. Immediately walk or run away from the animal. Spray bear spray as you are moving away if the animal follows you.

The last two bison attacks remain under investigation and the park service has no further information.

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  1. How do you inadvertently get to close to a bison? American’s are so stupid they think a 2 ton wild animal should get out of their way because their a human. I know how they inadvertently get to close, they REFUSE to read the warnings! OMG.

  2. Getting too close to wild animals is a bad idea. You are risking your life but also that of the animal who does not know better. Wild animals could be “put down” because they hurt/killed a human. Sometimes, humans act as if they are no smarter than any other animals.

  3. Leave the wild animals alone. Humans encroach on their habitat all the time. If you’re too close, you get what you deserve!

  4. People need to think when around wildlife. They don’t though and too often this is what happens. Those who work with wild animals will say the onus is always on the human and never the animals. The bison are in their home and it is they who should make the rules and if people do not act accordingly this is what happens. Those signs aren’t there just for decoration.

  5. I can’t believe the stupidity of these people who “just want to get a little closer” for that photo!! They deserve what they get!!!

  6. I feel bad for the old lady. But ur in their only territory they have. U wanna really see them go buy binoculars! I hope nothing will happen to the Buffalo.

  7. I think that in every one of these cases the park service will discover that the people have either intentionally or accidentally gotten into close proximity of these very large “Wild” animals.
    I have seen so many videos of people, some with children trying to get too close to animals in parks with tragic results. The sad thing is that the animal – who is in their home space & did not cause the altercation – is usually the one who pays the ultimate price.

  8. People need to get their thinking caps on. These are wild animals and deserve their space. I sure hope everybody and especially these folks have learned a lesson. Nature is nature.

  9. Stupid bitches. Stay the hell away from the animals. U got what you deserve. Its all about respecting the animals in their habitat. Obviously, they showed disrespect so this is the result.

  10. What is wrong with people, my son was holidaying there 4 weeks ago, take notice of the signs keep your distance this is their home you are visiting 😡😡😡😡people are so stupid

      • sorry i hurt your bleeding heart but these idiots aren’t just looking at nature. they are getting too close to a wild animal who doesn’t know there intentions and really doesn’t care. you are invading their space. there are warnings everywhere yet idiots ignore them thinking this is a petting zoo. the sad part is that not only do the dummies get hurt or killed but many times the animals are killed as well just because some dumb human can’t obey the rules. period!


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