HomeZoosZoo Announces Death Of Senior Elephant

Zoo Announces Death Of Senior Elephant

Los Angeles, CA – Staff at the Los Angeles Zoo is mourning the death of a senior Asian elephant who had to be humanely euthanized early January 3 after being found in her habitat unable to stand.

According to a release from the zoo, the 53-year-old elephant, Shaunzi, was observed unable to stand-up in her exhibit by overnight staff on January 2. The zoo said:

Animal care staff and Zoo veterinarians responded quickly and worked through the night to help Shaunzi up. Despite the use of all resources and personnel available, the extraordinary efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. The incident resulted in the heartbreaking decision to sedate and euthanize Shaunzi in the early morning hours of Jan. 3.

Shaunzi was born in Thailand and spent much of her youth in a circus environment. She joined three elephants (Tina, Jewel, and Billy) at the Los Angeles Zoo in 2017.

Staff is grieving her loss, writing:

The Los Angeles Zoo staff is devastated by this loss. The care and wellbeing of the elephants and all of the animals at the Zoo is always a top priority. The responsibility of keeping animals is a privilege and the Zoo is committed to providing the highest standard of care to ensure the animals’ health and their ability to thrive.

Rest in peace Shaunzi.

Continue Reading: Husky Terrified After Being Abandoned At Shelter

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    • Shaunzi actully had a slightly longer than average lifespan for an Asian elephant. Average for Asian elephants is 48 years.

      But, yes, RIP Shaunzi, Godspeed.


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