HomeZoosZoo Mourns Death Of Juvenile Giraffe Who Broke Her Neck

Zoo Mourns Death Of Juvenile Giraffe Who Broke Her Neck

Miami-Dade, FL – On Monday, Zoo Miami announced the unexpected death of a juvenile giraffe who broke her neck. The three-month-old giraffe, Saba, was discovered deceased in her enclosure on Saturday – her body showed no signs of trauma.

Zoo officials are unsure what caused the fatal injury, but there is speculation that she may have been spooked and ran into fencing. In a statement, Ron Magill, the zoo’s spokesman, said:

“Because the event that led to this trauma happened overnight and was not personally observed, zoo officials can only speculate that something startled the animal and caused it to run into a fence, resulting in the fatal injury. No other giraffe in the herd displayed any signs of trauma, and all have since returned to their normal routines without incident.”

Rest in peace Saba.

(Stock image of a giraffe via Pixabay/NOT Saba)

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  1. Okay, you have an exotic animal.Why don’t you have cameras everywhere to see what really happened?And these animals should not be in shelters.They should be out in the open range.If you can’t offer that do not have them


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