HomeNational Animal NewsZookeeper Dies After Tiger At Roadside Attraction Mauls Him

Zookeeper Dies After Tiger At Roadside Attraction Mauls Him

Last week, a 23-year-old man died after being mauled by a tiger who was kept at a roadside zoo in Periban, Mexico. Shocking video footage shows the moment the tiger grabbed hold of Jose de Jesus’ hand.

The zookeeper can be heard screaming as the tiger pulls him towards the fencing. The man was finally freed from the tiger’s grip, but he died of a massive heart attack after being taken to a hospital, where he had refused to let medical professionals amputate his mangled hand.

In a press release, PETA explains why people should avoid visiting these types of tourist traps:

Confined to small, filthy enclosures and denied the space, diverse environment, and freedom they need to thrive, animals imprisoned at roadside zoos are often deprived of adequate food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. Relentless frustration, loneliness, and abuse from the people who are supposed to care for them drive many of the animals insane.

Using big cats and their cubs, primates, and other animals as photo props, the operators of these cruel attractions lure in visitors who may not be aware of how the animals suffer. Many volunteers and workers at such facilities have been mauled.

As reported by the Mirror, the owner of the roadside attraction released the video in order to show that Jose de Jesus was at fault; the tiger’s owner has stated that he has the necessary permits to operate his facility.

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  1. Karma at work! Animals 1 idiot humans 0. I don’t feel sorry for the human. I hope they won’t kill the tiger. Wild animals belong in the wild not in prison for people to gawk at.

  2. A roadside zoo? Well, that’s a recipe for disaster and he got it. The tiger doesn’t look very big to me, maybe he was hungry. I hate those zoos. I further despise anyone who makes money off the backs of animals. They are not on this earth for that!! Get a real job!

  3. Need hew change not to close fence from animals and dont touch any animals close fence need push away fence more safe wont hurt people hand or arm

  4. Wild animals must be in THEIR HABITAT and not behind bars. It is people who invade their space and people forget that there must be como-existence among all species. They are not our slaves or trophies or toys. They are living beings that’s deserve all the possible care and be able to live in peace and NOT IN FEAR!

  5. I don’t feel sorry for the man in anyway . Some animal captivity videos I can’t bear to watch but this one I could…it’s wrong on every level to keep beautiful wild animals in an unnatural environment just for profit

  6. The so called owner should be forced to keep the animals in better conditions , better yet let them go to a sanctuary fir Big cats BUT he just wants to make $$$$ from them!!!! Why can’t he be fined for for the treatment of the animals!!!

  7. You guys all sound stupid saying “good, he deserved it” everyone is dumb until it happens to you. Stop trying to act so hard online we all know most you guys on here are soft af.

    • Your comment is irrelevant to this discussion. Most of these people commenting would never put themselves in this situation due to the fact that they are NOT stupid enough to have a wild tiger in capitivity much less trying to pet a wild tiger.

    • How old are you 10? You sound ridiculous and you are alone in thinking this way. You call everyone else stupid and dumb. That’s hilarious. You want to make money on locking a wild animal in a small cage, this is what happens. You sound stupid!

  8. He is ignorant! The tiger is locked up in too small of an area and not even like nature would be. This tiger needs a wildlife sanctuary not this crap or to be used as a toy for profit! Lock me in a cage and see what happens!

  9. Good. Its KARMA. It should have been the owner. These human garbage has NO COMPASSION, LOVE, EMPATHY, or KINDNESS for these animals.

  10. Just another example of why wild animals do not belong in captivity. When are these ignorant people going to realize this?? These beautiful creatures do not exist to live amongst us, they exist to do their part in the wild. No sympathy for this man. I feel sorry for this abused, stressed out Tiger! Please do not punish the tiger. Move the tiger to a sanctuary where he/she can live out the rest of their life in a somewhat more natural environment.

  11. The only one I am feeling sorry for here is the tiger!!! No one should be given a permit to operate a roadside zoo!!!!! This is CRUEL AND INHUMANE!!! Wild animals should never be held in captivity. They become frustrated and depressed. They are robbed of the life they were born to live. This is shameful! This tiger and any other animals this jerk is holding captive should be sent to a sanctuary where it’s life will be more natural and hopefully be able to return to the wild one day. PEOPLE, STOP SUPPORTING THIS HORRIBLE CRUELTY. DO NOT GO TO ZOOS, CIRCUSES OR MARINE PARKS!

  12. How interesting the owner of this hellhole blamed the worker. He has the permits but how did he obtain them? Lack of caring by authorities or did he pay them off? Wild animals are not objects to be held in captivity and gawked at for the entertainment for profits of people but are living and feeling beings. It was pretty stupid to stick his hand in there so on that count the owner is correct but we all know that roadside zoo is there for his own greed.

  13. I think most agree today that keeping and confining/caging wild animals is inhumane and a really bad idea. Sticking your hand into the cage of a stressed large cat is just reckless . It is hard to feel sorry for such stupidity. Unfortunately, the man died after learning a very important lesson, captive Tigers don’t like to be touched.

  14. Wild animals should not be in any zoo. Let alone a roadside zoo. I hope the tiger has not suffered because of this.

  15. Good. The greed of humans is the torment of innocent animals. I hope with all my heart this beautiful animal…most likely smuggled into that country like drugs as a cub, confined, starved and neglected of proper veterinarian care, is going to a rescue .sanctuary

  16. Holding an animal as a prisoner is never a good thing and will eventually ALWAYS lead to something really bad happening and the animal always paying the ultimate price for our stupidity.

  17. Sorry but it serves him right.The cruelty to a captive caged wild animal is disgusting and wrong. Don’t blame the tiger blame the Human keeping him existing not living as he should be !!

  18. I am NOT feeling sorry for the man. The tiger is in a space that is unnatural to him, which in turn would make him behave in that way. Also the guy was sticking his hand in the fence and at one point touching the tiger. The tiger didn’t like that, so he ripped the guys hand off…too bad for the guy. The lion next is like ‘when I get my snack?’

  19. well he should not of had the tiger in captivity and sticking his hand in was so stupid to bad for the tiger not for the man.


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