HomeCatsZoo's Canada Lynx Euthanized After 'Sudden' Decline

Zoo’s Canada Lynx Euthanized After ‘Sudden’ Decline

Rochester, NY – The Seneca Park Zoo has announced the death of their Canada Lynx, Gretzky, who had to be euthanized after suffering a sudden decline in health last weekend.

In a public release, the zoo explains:

Zoo staff observed a sudden and rapid decline this past Saturday, with severe neurological changes, causing him to be unaware of his surroundings. Gretzky was anesthetized to perform a complete examination and lab work. Based on the evaluation, veterinary staff was able to determine that the sudden decline was caused by disease within the brain.

The severity of the cat’s symptoms, and the diagnosis, prompted veterinary staff to make the difficult decision to end Gretzky’s suffering.

A necropsy confirmed that Gretzky had a brain tumor.

The staff is mourning Gretzky’s death.

Rest in peace Gretzky.

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  1. All these Zoos gave the animals the Covid poison jab, full of venoms, and they wonder why all their animals are dying…heads up dummies who took the jab, you are next. and you are GMO no longer human

    • I and every person I’m acquainted with got the jab, and not a single one of us ever got Covid. You conspiracy numbnuts have to insert your BS everywhere, don’t you???

  2. I just sent my 17 y/o chihuahua Eli Manny over rainbow bridge on 1/3/24. He was blind, deaf and dementia. He was doing well all summer but in November he started getting lost and wetting his bed. I took him to the vet for evaluation and she confirmed Alzheimer’s. Yup dogs can get it and no medicine was going to help him.
    Seems to me the zoo should have done a xray or mri, maybe the tumor was operable. They only found it after he was dead?

    • I’d guess that the “complete examination and labwork” included imaging. The report says that the brain tumour was confirmed by necropsy, not that it was found on necropsy. I know brain tumours in dogs have very poor results with surgery; high risk and low outcome. It could be that lynx have similar results.

      It’s a sad story, but I believe that the right choice was made with Gretzky’s best interest in mind.


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