HomeAnimal Rescue13 Dogs And Puppies Euthanized After Breeder Fatally Mauled

13 Dogs And Puppies Euthanized After Breeder Fatally Mauled

Compton, CA – Los Angeles officials have euthanized 13 dogs, including eight puppies, after a Compton dog breeder was fatally mauled last Friday. According to sources, city officials decided to euthanize the dogs and puppies “due to evidence linking them to the attack.”

The man who was killed has been identified as 35-year-old Dominic Cooper.

It has been reported that Cooper was bitten while trying to break up a fight between two dogs that were fighting while he was feeding them. According to a friend of his, he was not actually mauled, but an artery was severed from a bite, and he died in the kennel before help arrived.

Despite Cooper not actually being mauled, L.A. County Department of Animal Care and Control officials decided to put all of the dogs and puppies down by lethal injection.

“We are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to determine the facts and ensure the safety and well-being of both the community and the animals involved,” the department’s director Marcia Mayeda had said in a statement last weekend.

Don Belton, spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control, stated:

“Given the potential threat they posed to the community, this action was deemed necessary.”

Prior article about this incident here.

Continue reading: Rescue Caring For Dog Left To Die In Locked Garage

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  1. I hope all dogs and cats get the justice they deserve. Some humans are the abusers and especially in cases like this. Them dogs didn’t deserve to be murdered by horrible humans. Vengeance is Mine Says The Lord 🙏🏻🐾

  2. Shocking outcome for the 13 dogs that the LA ACC killed without prior investigation. The facts did not warrant ANY dogs being killed. The facts? The man was not “mauled” or even attacked. He was bitten while breaking up a fight over food between two dogs. The bite severed an artery and an ambulance did not arrive in time. Apparently, no one was present, or knew to put pressure on the wound.
    A dog breeder should have a plan for how to intervene when trying to break up a food fight between two dogs (or cats.) We will not know what this breeder did. We only know that whatever he did or did not do, it resulted in getting bitten. Killing these 13 dog is so egregious that the LAACC that should be investigated. Much like when police quickly arrest someone without having actually investigated a crime in order to project an image of being “tough on crime,” this was the LAACC’s equivalent to project an image of acting quickly to “Protect the Public.”
    The LAACC is not a department that should be allowed to make decisions that profoundly impact animals as they have not demonstrated a capacity to make sound decisions. An oversight committee should be implemented to support this department to prevent tragedies like this from happening again.

  3. to quick to kill – craziness is all of the US – we are a sad people that will all be judged someday by our actions and I believe in and pray for swift karma. Rip sweet babies.

  4. This is just another reason anal shelters should be monitored & to avoid these tragedies. These dogs should NOT have been killed. Man receives 1 Bite & they kill 13 dogs & puppies. Don’t feel sorry for the man’s death. He deserved it. I hope they removed any other dogs who live there. Charges should be filed against ALL from top who ordered this & to all involved in these murders be sent to jail & FIRED from their jobs.

  5. So, according to whoever, these dogs presented a problem for the OFFICIALS!!! LET me tell you you are a MURDERER!!! YOU killed animals with SOULS and you do not do that, you nor the pounds you have!! You kill animals daily no matter what!! I think you should lose your status in the town you are located in!! You don’t deserve to be an “official” of any kind!! YOU do not know that dogs that are fighting will bite anyone trying to get to the pet he is fighting with!! Did you know that?? NO of course not!! You are a murderer!! You just wanted to kill those dogs, because they are bull dogs!! AND CA does not like bulldogs in their state, isn’t that right?? SOME PEOPLE, if you can call them a person, will do anything to get rid of bull dogs!! I suppose when I had 2 Chow Chows and they got into a fight and would not stop, instead of handling them by pushing them apart with a pole, I should have jumped right in and gotten bitten and killed!! If he fed and tended to these dogs and respected there were puppies involved, HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN not to stop them with just himself!!!!! NEVER ever STOP a dog fight by yourself, not even a small dog!! Do it the right way and two or more of you get a water hose and stop them!! Get a large pole, one you can lift, and push them apart, both of them, don’t try to pull them apart!!! Most everyone knows this!!!

  6. That’s one less backyard breeder on this earth. But it’s a horrible shame that all the dogs were put down, even the babies. Lazy, stupid animal control idiots who didn’t even do their job to protect the dogs.

  7. So, if someone kills someone else while their (the killer’s) children are around, then those kids should be thrown in jail or put to death??? Because, you know, “bad blood” or “bad breed”??? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

  8. So….because of this POS own actions, these innocent babies were euthanized!!! Why was this??? Because of a POS human being (if he can be called that) the lives of these poor pups were snuffed out. This breeder should have known to NEVER try and break up a dog fight. Hell….even a kid knows not to do that. It seems that all the responsibility for the breeder’s death was on the breeder…not the pups. If supposedly, an investigation was done properly, they would see that it was all the breeder’s fault. The articles states “Despite Cooper not actually being mauled, L.A. County Department of Animal Care and Control officials decided to put all of the dogs and puppies down by lethal injection.” So…..tell me again…..why was the innocent ones euthanzied?? Someone appears to be all too eager to put down animals for no reason. Maybe that should be the next investigation.

  9. What a bunch of bullcrap! That piece of shit deserved what he got and those dogs should not have been killed. We strive to save every damn human being on this planet including murders, etc but we have no problem killing innocent dogs who didn’t ask to be here in the first place.

    • Absolutely right. that guy is what u call a dumb ass. he deserved that and he should know better. my heart breaks to hear of all the innocent dogs that got euthanized because of a careless handler. may they all RIP. Cops now a days don’t give to flying shits about any innocent furrbabies.

  10. The only loss here was the innocent precious animals❤️🐾❤️
    That b****** will now spend eternity suffering endlessly in hell. Even that’s too good for this vile disgusting pos.

  11. No remorse for the death of this monster – 1 less disgusting pos backyard dog breeder in the world! He was most likely breeding pit bulls for fighting organizations! He got what he deserved. Innocent beautiful animals lives are over because of this POS! Run free in doggy heaven – no more cruelty!!!

  12. This is appalling!!! Lisa is right! Some very wicked people at Los Angeles Animal Control, jumping to mass killing before thorough investigation. The man should never have been in an enclosure with so many dogs with FOOD! Bigger question, what was he doing breeding the dogs? If they were all pit bulls, were they being bred for fighting? There are so many dogs, especially pitties in the shelters all over the US being euthanized on a daily basis, these dogs never had a chance. It’s tragic and was preventable in so many ways, including Animal Control holding off on killing them before a full blown investigation. If needed, the dogs could have been rehabilitated, certainly the puppies. Doesn’t anyone remember the Michael Vick dogs, most of whom were saved by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary?! This is shameful!!!

    • Exactly! It heartbreaking to think those entrusted to care for them could be so callous and cruel. They should all be fired and banned from working with animals. The Vicktory dogs had such long, happy lives. These dogs, especially the puppies, could’ve been saved. I bet they never even reached out to any rescues. They just saw pitbulls and decided they were expendable. Poor babies!

  13. Shame on those involved in the decision. I hope they struggle to live with this decision the remainder of their lives. I’ve been involved with and adopted dogs rescued from organized dog fighting organizations. These dogs deserved a chance to be evaluated better and to decompress from what they endured. The scum who was breeding them likely deserved the outcome he got.

  14. I watched this on the news and now know he was not mauled, but died due to a bite because he set these poor animals up for failure with his backyard breeding. These animals deserved a real opportunity not euthanasia! I’m confused here; you’ll find homes for dogs who were saved from dog fights, but not these dogs? This was wrong and innocent animals were killed.

  15. First of all get the story straight. He wasn’t attacked. He was feeding them and a fight broke out. Rule number one is never feed them all together in a stressful kennel environment unless they are absolutely trained and bomb proof. Second, he went to break up the fight and got between to break them up and got bit.He did NOT get mauled. They didn’t attack him. He was trying to break up a fight, but he got bit in an artery and bled out. No one had a problem but then suddenly the dogs are killed for being vicious! really?!? puppies!!

  16. So these dogs and puppies suffer at the hands of this monster and when they defend themselves it becomes a death sentence? This is WRONG and those poor animals suffered twice over at the hands of humans. They should have been given a chance to live their lives in loving homes. Shame on all of those involved and an extra “Shame on you” to LA Animal Control (which is a euphemism for license to kill animals).

    • sickens me to the core that they murdered all the pups and like you said any of the other dogs may well have been able to be saved aswell. The breeder could have done something to make this happen the dog wouldn’t have mauled him for nothing. in fact it done everyone a huge favour getting rid of one more dumb ass breeder


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